Welcome to the CASA Course Catalog
CASA Course Videos
Click on the playlist button on the upper right of the first video in each department to see the complete list.
English (2 Videos)
Creative Writing
AP English
Science/ Math
AP Chemistry
Invasive and Poisonous Species
AP Calculus BC
Social Studies
Heroes and Villians
AP European History
World Language
Personal Fitness Video
Fine Arts
AP Music Theory
Attendance at CASA
Since CASA serves students from seven different sending districts, with seven different school calendars, we work to create our own CASA calendar that may, on occasion, differ from the students' home school schedule. Students are expected to attend CASA when CASA is in session, even if their home district is closed.
Please Pay careful attention to the CASA calendar. CASA Calendar dates are published in August, online, via email, on Instagram (@casa.soaring.above) and printed in the CASA Student Handbook.
Download Course Catalog
Download Enrollment Worksheet
CASA Dual Enrollment Worksheet
Download Course Offerings Handout
Attending CASA
Please note a few important things about coming to CASA
All students must meet with their counselors at their home high schools before completing the on-line application.
For all classes: please be sure that you have completed the prerequisite classes and have the appropriate grades in those prerequisites before choosing a class.
Please be sure to select a second choice class that you actually would like to take as sometimes students are not able to get their first choice due to enrollment restrictions.
Students need to be aware that all classes at CASA, even those that are not Advanced Placement courses, require homework, reading and a high-level of engagement.
Special Requirements
There are special requirements for students interested in taking AP Art classes.
AP 2D, AP 3D, AP Drawing, and Sculpture
All students interested in taking any form of art at CASA must submit a portfolio of 3-5 pieces of art showing a range of capabilities and subject, either in person or via email. Portfolios may be submitted to: catherine.jasionowicz@opsk12.org and they will be forwarded to the teachers. Arrangements can be made to show art in person by calling 248-586-8860.